Brave and the Bold #18 - I have to ask again: when did Marv Wolfman turn into a hack writer? This second part of the Raven/Supergirl team-up was horrible. Very disjointed. And even though a forgotten hero returns (sort of), it still wasn't anything major to write home about. This felt like a filler arc to be sure. I hope the quality of the book gets better.
DC Universe: Decisions #3 (of 4) - except for a couple good scenes with the heroes and their political thoughts, this issue really took the series down a turn for the worse. I had high hopes for this mysterious person behind the assassination attempts, but we find out in the last few pages who is behind it. And trust me, it is a left-field thing (even if it does fit the clues so far). I won't spoil it here, but the last issue of the mini series has some serious 'splaining to do as to the motive behind this person's actions.
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My comics?
Rogue's Revenge #3 - the wrap up to the story really rocks. I'd buy a monthly if it were done by this team.
Doctor Who: The Forgotten #2 - The current Doctor either meets up or flashes back to all the previous Doctors in order to escape he-who-I-think-is-the-Master-but-that's-too-obvious. In this one we get to see Patrick Troughton and Jon Pertwee, both extrememly funny though they're in mortal danger. A really really fun book.
Legion of Three Worlds #2 - What can I say, I'm a Legion fan and George Perez is drawing it. That the story is pretty good too is a bonus. I'm kind of curious as to how this thing goes 5 issues because it seems like the final confrontation is just pages away. INteresting.
And Scooby-Doo is a reprint. :)
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