Countdown to Final Crisis #4 - as the cover suggests, Mary Marvel succumbs to the dark side (and Darkseid) once more. We're winding down into the final month of this year long weekly series, so I hope it goes out with a big bang.
Justice League Unlimited #44 - the focus, again, is on a villain - this time the animated universe's Mirror Master. While an okay story, it wasn't as outstanding as usual.
Comic of the week - Action Comics #863! The end of the six part "Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes" arc ends on a powerful note. I loved how this storyline worked out, and the teaser final two pages has me excited for August. Johns writing and George Perez doing the art - I am so there! Can't wait for Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds, a five part mini series picking up where this arc ends.
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