Saturday, May 8, 2010

Comics of the Week (5/5/10)

Brightest Day #1 (of 26) - the biweekly maxi-series officially starts right where issue #0 left off. The book ties directly into the mysterious white lantern and thus the regular Green Lantern title. We also get some excellent action with Aquaman and Mera, showing why they are clearly a super-couple that everyone should be watching. And what is up with Aquaman's powers? He's just as shocked as the readers. The story also continues with what is going on with Firestorm, and the Atom (Ray) is planning to help Professor Stein figure that out. Rounding out the cast, there is plenty going on with the Martian Manhunter and the Hawks as well. Any old school JLA fans (of which I am a huge one) should be picking this one up.

JSA All-Stars #6 - the first arc with Johnny Sorrow ends, and I'm kind of glad. A little too drawn out for my tastes. The new magic user in the book is kind of intersting, but this title really needs to pick up some for me to consider keeping it beyond its first year. The Liberty Belle and Hourman back-up is starting to bore me as well.

Secret Six #21 - the Catman centric arc continues in a violent fashion that is served up splendidly by Gail Simone and J. Calafiore. We get insights into Tom Blake's past plus we get to see who Bane and Jeannete recruited as back-up roster members (interesting indeed). This book continues to fascinate me and, at the same time, make me feel a little squimish at times too. A good combo.

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