Saturday, May 1, 2010

Comics of the Week (4/28/10)

Batman: the Brave and the Bold #16 - a fun team-up with Batman and Wonder Woman, trying to figure out the diabolical scheme of Egg Head. Yes, you read that right. The classic 60's TV villain played so well by Vincent Price makes his animated comic debut - and it is a lot of fun. Great cover. If you enjoy the cartoon series, you should like this book. I know I do.

Justice League: the Rise of Arsenal #2 (of 4) - writer J.T. Krul continues to work out the emotions as Roy deals with the loss of his arm and his daughter. He is angry at his mentor, angry at his friends, angry at himself. My hope is the character really comes out of this crisis to start a more solid chapter. We'll see. I'm enjoying the ride.

Justice Society of America #38 - ugh. I am very tired of Willingham's plot here with the Nazis and a future-tale. I just don't get his entire run on this book. My hope is that he's going to be moving off of it soon. I know the upcoming JLA/JSA crossover is going to be written by Robinson. Maybe that'll be a sign of Willingham leaving the book. One can hope as I am seriously considering dropping the title from my pull-list if he stays.

Teen Titans #82 - and speaking of writers I don't get, Felicia Henderson does not get these characters at all. I know she's a big Hollywood writer with many teen shows under her belt, but that doesn't mean she knows how to write comics. Her dialogue is way off (often cringeworthy), the pacing is poor, and the characters often out of character. The Ravager feature hasn't been exciting me much either. I expect more from this book. I'm giving it another couple issues to shape up or I am going to definitely be dropping this one. With some other new books starting (like Birds of Prey with Gail Simone writing and Legion of Super-Heroes being written by Paul Levitz), I won't be missing this monthly mediocre mess.

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