Friday, December 1, 2023

Book Review: Age Matters Volume 1

Age Matters follows 29-year-old Rose Choi as she tries to pick up her life after her ex-boyfriend cheated on, and then dumped her. In need of employment, she takes over her best friend's odd job to cook and deliver meals to a mysterious boss. This boss turns out to be the 23-year-old CEO of Lime, Daniel Yoon. She finds him too abrasive while he finds her too desperate, but they eventually learn to get along with each other . . . and fall for each other.

Age Matters by Enjelicious will be released on January 30, 2024. Wattpad Webtoon Book Group provided an early galley for review.

I was not familiar with this fourteen-part webtoon from 2018 or this creator (who has done several romance-themed web comics like this one) previously. The colors and the cover image really caught my eye and drew me in.

This comes across as a standard manga, with the art style shifting from panel to panel depending upon what is needed. The story is straightforward and follows several traditional romance tropes. It does take awhile to unfold with the volume ending on a cliffhanger note. Fans of the format and the genre will certainly enjoy it.

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