Thursday, August 12, 2021

Book Review: Outlaw: Relentless

Coming in September from Aconyte Books is Outlaw:Relentless, the latest in the Marvel Heroines novel series, by author Tristan Palmgren. I had the pleasure of reading an advanced digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This adventure is a battle grudge-match between Outlaw (Inez Temple), a mutant with enhanced strength and stamina and armed with six-shooters, and some old enemies from her past. While the story also features members of the Posse (a mercenary team lead by Domino), this one squarely focuses on the title character. The action is very detailed and flows in a straight-forward manner.

I was not very familiar with this character or some of her earlier exploits. Palmgren, however, takes that into account and provides plenty of details to get newcomers up to speed. I quickly got a handle of who Outlaw was, where she came from, and how she goes about tackling problems. This solid characterization made the book enjoyable to read.

Fans of solid super-hero action will find this story interesting.

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