Thursday, November 22, 2007


Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. As is tradition on this American holiday, besides eating way too much and watching a lot of football, we give thanks for all the wonderful things in our lives.

I am thankful for:

family - my wife and my son, our parents, her grandparents, our brothers, our sister-in-law, our neices and nephews, our aunts and uncles and cousins.

friends - those whom we work with, those whom we know through our neighborhood and community activites, and those we can only keep touch with through cyberspace.

health - my heart is solid, my weight is going down at a reasonable rate and my tryglicerides are under control.

work - I really enjoy what I do and the company I work for. I plan for it will to be the place I stay for a long long time.

home - a roof over our heads, food and loving pets.

Everyone have a safe, enjoyable holiday. Call someone you haven't spoken to in awhile, just to say hello and that you're thinking about them. Oh, and save a drumstick for me.

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