Thursday, February 6, 2025

Book Review: X-Men - The Manga Remastered vol. 2

The world of the X-Men expands!

After escaping Genosha, the X-Men return home to find Professor X’s mansion completely flattened! Who in the world can stop the unstoppable Juggernaut?! Who is Bishop, the mysterious mutant from the future? Is there anyone who can stand against Apocalypse and the chaos he leaves in his wake? The X-Men have protected the innocent and saved the day before, but they’ve never faced challenges like these!

X-Men: The Manga - Remastered vol. 2 by various creators will be published on March 11, 2025. VIZ Media provided an early galley for review.

We're back again with the follow up to last year's volume 1 of the Manga reprints of the retelling of the 90's X-Men: The Animated Series tales. The seven issues in this volume take us through the end of season 1 of the show and the start of season 2.

The artwork this time relies even heavier on the manga styles of the time, taking the original source material and making it into something of its own. One of the issues reminds me a bit of the Astro Boy cartoons from the 60's, for example, and plays up the humor aspects quite a bit. Takes like this put a new spin on the old story lines.

Once more there are several pages in the back of bonus features. These include character profiles and detailed discussions about certain mutant powers.

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