Sunday, April 1, 2012

March 2012 Survey Results

Well, the month of March has ended and the little survey I had set up on my blog is over. The question of the month was: what do you think of this year's theme of 30th Anniversary albums from 1982?

I had fourteen respondents total. Okay, nothing to set the world on fire but at least fourteen of you offered an opinion which is always welcome. The three answer choices were: "love it!", "it's okay", and "not a big fan".

I am pleased that "not a big fan" got zero votes! That at least tells me I haven't been barking up the wrong tree for a quarter of the year.

Two folks voted and said "it's okay". Again, good to hear. That means these folks enjoy reading my music reviews and, most likely, would prefer if I sprinkle in a bit more variety into the mix (music from other decades). I totally get that and will be happy to accommodate those requests whenever I can. I like a little variety too myself.

The big vote getter, with twelve, was "love it!" which pleases me. The early 80's were a big part of my music enjoying time. 1982 is one of the years with the most representation in my digital library as well. By going with this theme, I hope to extend it into next year with the 30th anniversary celebrations of 1983 albums. That will coincide with my 30th high school reunion year as well.

Again, thank you to everyone who took part in the survey. I hope you will continue to offer feedback in future surveys as well as any time you wish via comments to blog posts. I love hearing back from my readers.

- Martin

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