Saturday, December 31, 2011

Top 10 Blog Posts of 2011

With only about ten hours left for 2011 here on the East Coast of the US, I thought I'd give a quick listing of the Top 10 Blog Posts (based on hit traffic) here at Martin's View in 2011.

Let's check out the list...

(click on the bold name to go to the post referenced)

10. Twisted Sister - A Twisted Christmas - at 122 views, nice to see a holiday album make the list.

9. Remembering Wendy - at 126 views, this means a lot that many folks read my thoughts about a dear high school classmate who passed away this Fall.

8. Grease 2 (soundtrack) - at 134 views, I know my fellow G2 fanatics love the film (whose 30th anniversary comes in 2012)

7. Big Star - #1 Record - at 138 views, this Seventies Saturday entry shows there are a lot of old school rockers who read my blog.

6. Journey - Escape - at 154 views, don't stop believing in the power of Journey, thanks to the Gleeks everywhere.

5. Fleetwood Mac - Rumours - at 265 views, this classic 70's album is still loved by many today.

4. Spandau Ballet - True - at 303 views, so glad to see one of my all-time favorite 80's album received so much love from the blog readers.

3. Happy Birthday, Anni-Frid Lygnstad - at 457 views, clearly there is much love for ABBA (I think someone might have made this page their homepage or something).

2. The Muppet Movie (soundtrack) - at 533 views, clearly the new movie in 2011 sparked lots of interest in this 1970's album. Yaaaaaay! (*with arms in the air flailing like Kermit)

1. Human League - Dare - at 784 views, this one is the clear front runner. Again, not sure what is going on here - perhaps another homepage or something?

What will 2012 bring to the blog? Will we see any of these posts dethroned from the all-time Top 10 list? Time will tell.

Thanks again for all of you readers paying my site a visit each day. You guys rock!


  1. If you are not using Google Analytics (or some other analytics program), I strongly encourage you to use one. It gives you a lot of insight into who is reading your blog posts, and why.

  2. I definitely have access to those and have checked it out. Always good to know what is going on and who is visiting.
