Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Rest In Peace, Steve Jobs

I just got the news that Steve Jobs, visionary and founder of Apple, has passed away after losing a battle with cancer. Not surprising that I learned the news while checking my Twitter feed on my iPhone.

I can remember very clearly the first time I used an Apple computer. It was in one of the labs at college in 1985, the business building. While I had been using computers since 1982 in high school (Commodore products), this was the first computer that I had worked on that had the concept of a desktop and a trash can. Very visual. Very intuitive. It was a game changer.

Steve and the creations at Apple which he brought to the world changed the way many of us do things. I know they have changed my world for the better.

As my blog and Twitter page show, the iPod is a huge part of my life. I am ever amazed that I can keep every bit of music I own and carry it around in my pocket.

My iPhone is how I can stay in constant contact with family and friends - via texts, applications like Twitter and Facebook, and, yes, even using a phone to make phone calls.

And last Christmas, the iPad became yet another ever-present part of my daily life. It has changed how I read books (I never thought I would like ebooks but now I don't think twice about it), it has kept me informed via news and magazine apps, and it even allows me to watch TV I don't have time to catch by other means.

I will always be reminded of Steve's work as I use the quality products he and his team have made.

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