Friday, July 22, 2011

Comic Books of the Week (7/20/11)

Flashpoint: Legion of Doom #2 (of 3) - man, this is one seriously violent book. Yes, I know, it is about desperate criminals trying to escape a prison but wow. And I guess when you know your "world" is ending in another month it doesn't matter how many deaths you rack up either. I was kind of disappointed with the fates of Atom and Animal Man to boot. Ah well. I will likely only get the final issue for completeness sake.

Flashpoint: Wonder Woman and the Furies #2 (of 3) - more key story about the arrangement between Diana and Aquaman, and how everything went so horribly wrong. We get another hint that this war was not of their making - someone was pulling the strings but who? That mystery is enough to keep me coming back for the final month.

Justice League of America #59 - wow, seven of twenty pages spent on the musings of a mad-villain? Seriously? Clearly the passion of the story left James Robinson as the end of the road was coming up fast. His League's run ends next issue. This issue felt like a huge compromise - finish the arc asap so you can do a quieter final issue. I'm not that thrilled.

Legion of Super-Heroes #15 - the same can be said here. There is a lot in this issue, packed in, but it is done so at the sacrifice of some decent explanations. The Levitz Legion run of the past spent time developing and exploring character depths. I guess it all had to be rushed through so the arc could finish next month to clear the way for September. And DC wonders why a lot of fans were giving up on July and August issues after word of the September relaunch came out. It all seems kind of for naught.

Coming this weekend - my thoughts about "the New 52" based on the free sampler given out at the comic shops this week.

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