Sunday, June 26, 2011

Comic Books of the Week (6/22/11)

Green Arrow #13 - looks like we get a fill-in arc before the relaunch. The art by Agustin Padilla was pretty good - I liked it a lot. The story by James Patrick was alright. I'm not that impressed with Reverend Miggs as a villain, even if he seems to be well connected.

Justice League of America #58 - a sort of disjointed read by Robinson. The art by Sampere and Sepulveda was pretty good. Of course, everyone on the Internet is buzzing about the last page of the issue and what Eclipso does to one of the team. Now, do I think this is permanent? With the relaunch coming in a couple months that resets a lot of things, does it really matter? Sigh.

Brightest Day Aftermath: the Search for Swamp Thing #1 (of 3) - I pre-ordered this issue as it followed Brightest Day, not knowing who was being searched for. I was half-tempted not to pick it up since I am not a Swamp Thing or John Constantine fan. But, I did any way and it wasn't that bad. I liked the interplay with Batman and Zatanna. We'll see if I get the last two issue or not. I have no plans to follow the new Swamp Thing and Justice League Dark books after the relaunch.

John Byrne's Next Men #7 (37) - speaking of disjointed story telling, John Byrne was all over the map on this issue. I know he's trying to move the story along here but that was just too much jumping around for my taste. This was one book that I was going to keep me coming back to the comic shops after September (when I drop most if not all DC books) but now I'm not sure. I might skip the monthly and just wait for the trade paperbacks at this point. It might read a lot better in larger chunks.

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