Saturday, April 16, 2011

Comic Books of the Week (4/13/11) part 4

The final installment for this week's books...

Adventure Comics #525 - another great issue starring the Legion Academy. Phil Jimenez's artwork is outstanding as always. Paul Levitz continues to expand the LSH universe with these new characters. I also loved the tension between Cosmic Boy and Night Girl. This reminds me of the LSH of the 80's when Levitz was doing his first run - full of subplots and characterization that enriched the book greatly. I liked the art on the backup story; Borges and Alquiza did a great job as well. Next issue looks to be good as well.

John Byrne's Next Men #5/35 - Bethany's captor is revealed, only to lead to more questions. Antonia's time in Civil War America leads to some serious repercussions. Nathan goes from the German frying pan to an ancient Roman fire. And Jasmine's health takes a turn for the worse. This is the type of book that you have to be in for the long haul. The plotlines are complex and very detailed - not your typical "hero" book (not that this book ever was). Still, I've come to trust that Byrne will pay things off well - you just have to have patience. The cover of next issue looks very intriguing indeed!

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