Saturday, April 16, 2011

Comic Books of the Week (4/13/11) part 3

Birds of Prey #11 - Catman and the Huntress are back together again, but a lot of water has passed under the bridge since their last encounter. Are the sparks still there? Definitely. Are there more walls between them? Absolutley. Is this a great issue? Oh Yeah! Gail Simone waves a wonderful plot with characterization that is spot on (and it should be since she also writes Secret Six where Catman hangs his cowl regularly). Huntress is shown as a being smart and strong. Catman is shown with complexity and compassion. The art by Pere Perez is amazing too (I'd be happy if he were the new full-time artist - I like his work). Great issue.

the Flash #10 - "the Road to Flashpoint" continue as Barry finds out more about Hot Pursuit. Bart is brought in to act as counterpoint, a "bad cop" (unintended) to Barry's good. The tension in those scenes is thick. Why does Hot Pursuit want to handle this time-crisis on his own? Why does Barry want to handle the investigation of Hot Pursuit on his own? Why all the tension between Barry and Bart? Great stuff. Geoff Johns continues to weave an engaging story. The art by Francis Manapul was also very good. I must also mention Brian Buccellato whose coloring this issue really sets the tones nicely.

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