Sunday, March 13, 2011

Comic Books of the Week (3/9/2011)

Batman: the Brave and the Bold #5 - the Caped Crusader teams up with the abrasive Green Lantern Guy Gardner to battle an army of Manhunters. The story also features another surprise guest-star. It was an okay issue with a good plot and decent art.

Birds of Prey #10 - "the Death of Oracle" story line concludes. The plot was interesting enough with some decent character moments, particularly for the Huntress and the Calculator. Gail Simone's writing is solid as always. I wasn't as thrilled with the art though. I understand a new regular artist is coming on board soon, so I hope that helps elevate the series for me. So glad to see the letter column back in this book.

Booster Gold #42 - yawn. Wake me up when Dan Jurgens gets back to this book. I have little interest in this final arc by Giffen and DeMatteis. Best part for me was the return of the letter column in this book as well.

Justice League Generation Lost #21 (of 24) - the ramifications of the end of last issue are felt this time, showing us how the various cast members deal with grief. The ending wasn't a surprise for me at all - I knew things would be rectified soon enough. Now let's get to taking out Max Lord, please.

JSA All-Stars #16 - the end of the Puzzlemen arc. It all felt a little too "convenient" how everything came together for a quick defeat after such a big build-up. I was a little disappointed. Since this is a "dead book walking" with only two more issue left until cancellation, I'm not expecting a lot before the final curtain. I do hope some of these characters fold back into the main JSA title though.

Legion of Super-Villains one-shot - the greatest villains of the 31st Century get the spotlight in this one. I always enjoy getting into the motivations of the super-villains; it gives them depth and makes you appreciate their roles more. The writing and art are outstanding, what I come to expect from a Legion title. This is a must-read for anyone who is following the current Legion series as this is just the beginning of what looks to be an incredible story arc (the places the LSV go to gain power will show you this is truly a huge DCU event for their time period).

Wonder Girl one-shot - this was actually from January. I didn't pick it up then but read recently how the issue introduced Solstice, a new heroine that would be joining the Teen Titans. For that reason, I went back and grabbed this one. I found it to be an okay intro - a shame Wonder Girl had to share her spotlight with a new character though. And the threat seemed to just be an opening volley to something bigger. I guess we'll learn more about all this in Teen Titans soon enough.

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