Saturday, February 5, 2011

Comic Books of the Week (2/2/11)

Brightest Day #19 (of 24) - First, Deadman questions the white ring after what happened at the shocking end of last issue, and he doesn't like the answer. Then the Aquawar is here! The rest of the issue is devoted to Aquaman and Aqualad as they face Siren's army and Black Manta. And this issue ends with a shocker as well! The third act is looking good so far as we race to the conclusion. Bravo to Johns, Tomasi, Reis and Prado on a well done book.

JSA All-Stars #15 - part two of this arc introduces the menace of the Puzzlemen, a weird and wacky ancient threat. I think Matthew Sturges and Freddie Williams II are hitting their stride now with this book. I hope they continue, especially with the character growing subplots.

Legion of Super-Heroes Annual #1 - While I have been loving all things LSH since the book's relaunch last year, including the use of Adventure Comics as a second outlet for the group, I just didn't feel this annual. While Paul Levitz and Keith Giffen made a great team on this group back in the day, today it didn't work. Paul's story was all right, and Keith's layouts were fine but where it broke down was Keith's finishing on the art. It seemed to "blocky" and "unattractive", something that happens a lot when he does full art on books. It sort of ruined the epicness of the story of this latest Emerald Empress for me. I did like the presentation of the LSH history via a board game (cute idea) and the Interlac A To Z feature.

Secret Six #30 - a nice part 1 of a two-part crossover with the Doom Patrol. Unlike last month's crossover with Action Comics, this one really worked for me. Gail had the team back to their usual form, and the introduction of Eric and his "rat-pack of crime" mentality was fun. This is Gail at her best. Calafiore's art was great too. I'll definitely be seeking out part two in Doom Patrol later in the month.

Time Masters: Vanishing Point #6 (of 6) - Dan Jurgnes ends this mini series on a strong note. The whole "search for Batman" thing was sort of secondary as an excuse for Dan to get Rip Hunter, Booster and some guests in for a good time travel adventure. I love how this mini brought in 70's characters like Claw the Unconquered and Starfire (a sci-fi heroine) into the mix along with menaces like Professor Zoom and the Black Beetle. And, of course, the best part is that the fun doesn't stop here. It continues in Booster Gold #44 and Flashpoint #1. The icing on the cake would be if Jurgens would return to story and art on Booster's title. He really does these characters proud.

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