Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Comics of the Week (6/9/10)

Booster Gold #33 - I have to say that this second issue of Giffen's run wasn't so bad. The storyline was a little more toned down (humor-wise) and having Booster go back to his JLI days ties this nicely to what is going on in the next title below. So I think I'm willing to give this run a few more issues to really gel with me.

Justice League: Generation Lost #3 - the storyline involving the few JLI members who can remember who Maxwell Lord is continues to interest me. How will this rag-tag team convice others of what is going on? It should be a fun ride. And I do like how it tied in to Booster's title this month.

Secret Six #22 - the final chapter of the Catman arc, and it was a good one. Gail shows exactly why these villains dance across that line between good and evil, while keeping the violence clearly approaching that R-rated level. She really fleshed out the background of Catman well with this arc as well, adding new layers to an already intriguing character.

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