Sunday, May 31, 2009

Speed Racer (2008)

Queued up the DVR this morning (now that it is empty from the regular TV season) and recorded Speed Racer, the technocolor high-action, high-speed live-action adaptation of the old 1960's cartoon. I used to watch that cartoon as a kid - wasn't a huge fan by any stretch. It was okay in a minimalist animated sort of way. And when we saw the trailers for the film last year in theatres, I knew we would go as a family as it would have quickly made my wife motion sick. So, we skipped it - and waited for it to hit cable. I must say - it was an okay film. Liked the story, but the bouncing around back and forth with past and present was annoying. Also too, the heavy color palette took a lot to get used to. And I thought Dick Tracy from the late 80's was over the top in that area. Still, I could see how it was made to appeal a lot to today's modern generation of kids - with their outlandish video games and short attention spans. It was worthwhile to pass an couple hours on a Sunday afternoon (and it didn't cost my son and I to watch it - so win-win).

1 comment:

  1. I was seeing in black and white for days after seeing it. The movie drained my color perception with its volume. I wish I could have turned it down some.
