Sunday, January 4, 2009

2008 Resolutions - How Did I Do?

I was going to do a 2008 year in review entry (still might), but of course I didn't have the time over the past week or so. We had a house full of company (my wife's brother and his spouse, and their four kids all under the age of 7 - we are so past that stage having just one kid who is now a teenager) so I didn't have a lot of quiet time to reflect.

So, looking back at my 2008 New Year's Resolutions, let's see how I did.

1) to lose a few more pounds. I didn't hit my 175lb weight goal by Christmas but I am close. I'd like to be at least 175 by my 25th high school reunion this summer, whenever it ends up being.

I just weighed in this morning at 170lbs. Had a two pound gain over the holidays, not bad considering all the eating out and eating at my inlaws' house. Once I get back into normal mode I should be back to 168lb easily and on the road to 165lbs. I did hit below 175lbs for my reunion, so that one was a success.

2) to add another 45 minutes of exercise each week. This will help with number 1 above. I already do two 45 minute sessions each week (Saturday mornings at the YMCA) and Wednesday night walking. We'll see what I can do to add a little here and there.

I did add another hour and a half of walking on Monday nights when my son was at his Boy Scout meetings. When gas prices were topping in near $4 a gallon, it made no sense running back and forth the ten plus miles to the meeting. So, I did walk and that helped a lot with the weight drop and maintenance. So, this one was a success too.

3) to catch up on some reading. I still have a back pile of novels and other things on the nightstand to read. With a cut back on TV viewing, maybe this will give me the time to get some of those books read.

Well, I starting going to the library regularly and managed to read 30+ Spenser novels by Robert B. Parker (a new author for me) plus a few books on writing. I did also read on oustanding novel on my nightstand, so I'd consider this a success as well. Wow, three out of three - that's pretty good.

4) to cut back on TV viewing. The ongoing Writers' Strike has showed me I don't miss the viewing so I need to seriously review what's on the DVR when the shows return to determine what gets my time and what goes.

I think the shortened TV season in 2007-2008 cut me back a bit. When the fall season started in 2008, I did get back to my usual shows - the Monday CBS comedies, Heroes, Bones and I added a new comedy Gary Unmarried. VH-1 still provided me some with Sunday night mindless reality shows like Rock of Love: Charm School, I Love Money and such. So, I don't think I've cut back too much on my schedule. Maybe in 2009 when I am seriously considering to not set the DVR for the three American Idol shows each week.

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