Wednesday, May 14, 2008

American Idol 2008 - Top 3 Performances

And then there were three - two expected and one rather unlikely (if I look back at the beginning with the top 12, I never would have said then that Syesha would make it beyond the top 6 - how wrong I was). Each sang three songs - a judge pick, a self pick and a producers' pick.

David Archuleta - Paula screwed up with her Billy Joel pick. It was safe and not a challenge for him at all. And it was dull. David's own pick of a Chris Brown tune was poor - I am certain his father chose it for him to show he could be "current". It didn't work. The producers' went with Dan Fogelberg - again, yawn. David may have a spot on voice but his personality is non-existent. Boring. I hope he goes home but I have doubts his fans will let him down.

Syesha - not the female I would have put here, but damn the girl is fighting for this! Randy's pick was okay for her. I think she did well with her choice of "Fever" as it helped show some personality. The producers' pick also worked for me - bouncy and current. I could hear her songs on the radio in the coming years and she'll do okay. Good but not out of the park. She should make the final two over David A. but I doubt she will.

David Cook - best of the breed this season. He knocked out Simon's pick beautifully; Simon craftily chose a song to show a softer, sensitive side of David. His own pick, a Switchfoot rocker, needed a bit more time to gel but it was good. The producers' pick of Aerosmith closed the show nicely. Clearly the winner of the night and should be a shoe-in for final two. (Then again, I would have thought that last year with Melinda Doolittle - and she went out at Top 3 - go figure!)

Tonight will give us the final two for next week's showdown.

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