Thursday, April 3, 2008

American Idol 2008 - Top 9 Results

Country was the theme of the night, with performances by the Clark Brothers (who won another FOX show - America's Next Band - and they were pretty good) and Dolly Parton (she sang "Jesus and Gravity" from her latest album, which I found surprisingly on

Loved the Ford commercial with the Idols playing street hoops while performing Run DMC's "Tricky".

As for the bottom three, I had one person in there right - Ramiele. The other two were Kristy Lee and Brooke. I think Brooke was put there by the producers to shake her up into better performances, as they did with Jason last week. As for Kristy Lee, she seems to be getting the "villain edit" - having been in the bottom three in almost every week so far and then skating buy.

Ramiele, sadly, went home. But, in truth, her performances have slid a bit since we first saw her audition. Yes, she has a great voice but think all the hoopla that is the Idol machine was too much for her.

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