Friday, April 11, 2008

American Idol 2008 - Top 8 Performances/Results

It's been a busy week for me. Lots of stuff going on at work, lots of stuff going on at home. Monday night my son was inducted into the Beta Club, his Junior High version of the Honor Society, and then we had a celebration dinner out. Tuesday night my parents and brother stayed overnight at our house. So, I didn't get to watch the taped American Idol performances until last night - just before the results came on.

Performances: for a week of "inspirational" music (you know, this was Idol Gives Back week - which I have to watch this weekend), I wasn't very inspired by any of the performances. They all sounded tired, overworked and exhausted - no doubt in prep for all the extra things this week. That led to some mediocre performances across the board. I don't know what David Cook was trying to do, but it didn't work. Brooke should have kicked butt on Carole King but didn't. I had marked down on my sheet for the bottom two to be Michael Johns and Kristy Lee Cook.

Results: so, I get a taste of Idol Gives Back and a performance by last year's winner Jordan Sparks. Jordan, it appears, can't sell her CD worth a darn - taking her forever to get to platinum, not a good sign. But, she does get rewarded for downloads. Welcome to the 21st Century. As for the bottom three, I got one right - Michael. Carly certainly expected to be going home - and give her performance she was probably right. Then Ryan messes with their heads and still says Michael is going home. I think everyone was confused and surprised. Must be too much fatigue.

I'm not surprised about Michael going. I found out last week that he's one of three contestants left in the competition with some kind of past failed recording contract already. His was under the name of Michael Lee with a band (their EP is downloadable on iTunes and emusic). Carly has her failed album back in 2001 - again also for download on iTunes. And it turns out Kristy Lee also had a contract/album - again downloadable on iTunes.

I predict that Michael was the first of the three to fall, in a succession, due to fans upset that these are not really "undiscovered talent" as Idol claims them all to be. The fans can see through the smoke and mirrors.

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