Thursday, April 24, 2008

American Idol 2008 - Top 6 Results

Part of me should be surprised - as two really good performers from Tuesday night hit the bottom 2, while two folks that struggled ended up, surprisingly for both of them, safe. Then again, its par for this season isn't it?

Two weeks ago when Michael Johns got the boot, I said the "pros" (ie. folks who had previously had bigger label albums a few years ago that flopped) would be going out 1-2-3. I thought the public would be outraged by their presence now that facts came to light about their past recording histories. Michael went, followed by Krisy Lee Cook last week.

Had I remembered that theory, I would have said Carly would go this week - and I would have been right. Silly me, though, for judging each week solely on that night's performance.

It is definitely the fan bases that are controlling this season. Folks picked their favorites early on and will ride them through to the end, no matter what. Much like a Presidential election. Popular vote rules here.

And maybe that's why this season is so "meh" to me.

Ah well - as the saying goes shouldn't complain if you don't vote. I don't vote for Idol so I shouldn't complain.

Neil Diamond next week as mentor - which I should enjoy. Love his music!

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