Wednesday, April 30, 2008

American Idol 2008 - Top 5 Performances

First off, I'm a huge Neil Diamond fan so having him mentor and having the contestants sing two songs each from his catalog was something I was looking forward to. Most, however, fell into the trap of doing the most popular tunes, the signature tunes if you will. And without truly making them their own, they paled when compared to Neil's versions.

Tops for me were David Cook and Syesha. Both gave solid performances that I could listen to over and over again.

I liked Jason's first number, but his second left me a little cold. Wrong choice of song. Perhaps "Desiree" or "Shilo" might have been better for him.

Brooke never should have done "I'm A Believer". I have four versions of that on my iPod (one by Neil, one by the Monkees, one by Smashmouth and one by Tin Huey). Her's just wasn't one I enjoyed. Her second song was much better. Again, for me, that whole Carly Simon/Carole King route is her way to go - behind the piano. Her voice does so much better when it is her and the 88's.

David A. totally stunk, for me, on two signature Neil Diamond tunes. In fact, it felt like he couldn't get the tune. He wanted to change it up but didn't do it enough and thus he sounded off to me. Sure he can hit the notes but the rhythm was all wrong. I'd send him packing based on those performances, but I am sure his fanbase will keep him safe.

Who is going? Hard to say. Might be Jason if his fans don't save him. Could be David A. if his fans think he's safe and don't vote for him like they should. Could be Syesha because she's been in the bottom so long. Could be Brooke because she's flirted with the bottom too often too. The only safe one for sure is David Cook, he could be the one to win this season.

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