Thursday, March 6, 2008

American Idol 2008 - week 3 Results

Well, this was interesting. Once again I was batting at about 50% on getting the folks going home. I had Luke Menard in my bottom spot for the guys and I had Kady Malloy in my bottom spot for the gals. Interestingly enough, both of my sixth place folks - Danny Noriega and Asia'h Epperson - were the other two that left tonight as well. Go figure.

I figure the public notice of Danny's holiday-rant video on TMZ might have done him in. I saw it online - and it was pretty harsh. Not a good image to portray. Morale of the story for today's generation - watch what you put on the Internet as it could come back to bite you in the butt later on. Not even being the male poster child on VoteForTheWorst could save Danny this time.

As for Asia'h, well, two girls sang Whitney last night and one sang it better. You have to be really outstanding every time if you want to stand out in the crowd.

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