Thursday, March 27, 2008

American Idol 2008 - Top 10 Results

Another wild and wooly results show, and a lot of filler too.

The good: seeing Kimberley Locke, season 2 third place finisher, back to perform a song from her second album. I always enjoyed her and bought both of her CDs to support her music. After her spin on Celebrity Fit Club season 6, she's looking pretty good.

The bad: I was totally off on my picks for the bottom three. America put Jason, Syesha and Chikezie in the bottom three, and they sent Chikezie home this week. Bummer. While he hadn't a chance to win this thing, I enjoyed his performances.

The weird: that group number where David Cook and Michael Johns did some chest bump thing in the middle of it. You know that wasn't choreographed! LOL.

Next week, guest mentor Dolly Parton gives the group some advice - I'm guessing a country theme. Should be interesting.

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