Wednesday, February 20, 2008

American Idol 2008 - week 1 - Guys performances

Finally time to get to brass tacks - the real singing competition where America votes. Let the fun begin!

It was 60's theme night for the guys, and for two hours we get interesting arrangements of songs you know well. Some good arrangements, some dreadful. Looking at this list of twelve guys (some who, again, this was the first time we've heard them sing a note), here is how I'm ranking them (best to worst) based on this week's performance:

1) David Archuleta - the 17 year old who is very shy, humble and respectful. Girls will eat him up with a spoon.
2) Robbie Carrico - he's the rocker of the guys
3) Michael Johns - the Aussie
4) Jason Castro - the 20 year old with dreads and the pleasant smile
5) Garrett Haley - the 17 year old Leif Garrett clone. Again, girls will eat him up.
6) Jason Yeager - he had an Osmond vibe to him
7) David Hernandez - cursed with the opening spot of the season, tough to pull off well
8) Luke Menard - poor song choice, not enough to stand out
9) Chikezie - song didn't work for his full voice. And talking back to Simon this early isn't smart.
10) David Cook - unmemorable
11) Danny Noriega - horrible version of an Elvis song. Did not showcase his voice.
12) Colton Barry - just doesn't have the chops for this competition.

I'm fine with any two of my bottom six going Thursday night.

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