Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Countdown...to the 25th Begins!

Just got word from one of my good friends from back where I grew up - Dunkirk, NY - that our 25th High School reunion has a date. Saturday July 26th is going to be the day, a family event held on the grounds of a local winery. It should be a good time with lots of friends, foods and memories. I cannot wait.

It does look like my son's Boy Scout camp is the week before though, so likely what we will do is have a long weekend trip (drive up the day before the reunion, stay a few nights and head back home the beginning of the next week). Besides the reunion, I'll want to fit in time visiting with relatives there, showing the family around the town I grew up in, going to the county fair (which is in town that week of the reunion) and fitting in a trip up to show our son Niagra Falls and sample some Buffalo Wings at the home of the wing - the Anchor Bar restaurant. Whew. It's gonna be a full trip.

So, how do I countdown? Well, for starts, I want to drop another three pounds at least. If I can actually drop eight or even thirteen, even better. We'll see. I have six months of exercising before then so who knows.

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