Sunday, August 5, 2007

Beautiful Sunday

Anyone remember that obscure tune from 1972 by Daniel Boone? I didn't think so. ;)

Anyway, we really had a beautiful Sunday today. We left early in the morning to drive up to Racoon Holler, the place my in-laws have their summer trailer in the mountains. It was a nice, cool morning so my wife decided to take the route on the Blue Ridge Parkway - so we could drive with the sun roof open and the windows down in her new car.

We got up there around lunch time - and had plenty of time to visit with the family. My brother-in-law, his wife and their four kids were up from Atlanta to visit (they were camping up there for a long weekend). It was good to see them again. Although Atlanta is only about a four hour ride or so, we hadn't seen them since earlier in the year.

Man, the twins have grown. The girls are now 16 months old - starting to toddle around and are getting close to saying their first words. They are also starting to develop their own mannerisms and unique looks, despite being dressed alike. I think my brother-in-law will have them dress alike for many years if he has his way. The boys (one four, the other six) are also getting big too.

So, the eleven of us managed a nice cook-out lunch (burgers, hot dogs, potato salad, baked beans, etc.). We then chatted after lunch for a bit while the kids played (and the girls napped). Then we bounced around this ball that you fill with milk, rock-salt and ice - in order to make homemade ice-cream. It went really well with the brownies my mother-in-law had made.

After that, we took the kids all down to the playground for a bit. I enjoyed pushing my nieces on a swing, all the while watching their laughing little faces. Since we hadn't seen them in so long, my wife and I were worried they'd take awhile to warm up to us; happily that wasn't the case.

We left late afternoon for the hour and a half ride back home. It was a beautiful Sunday indeed.

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